Vembu BDRSuite v7.0.0 Release is Available Now

In this blog post, Vembu BDRSuite v7.0.0 Release is Available Now, we will discuss how protecting data has become a priority for businesses of all sizes. Recognizing this need, Vembu has taken a step forward by introducing BDRSuite v7.0.0 Release Candidate. This latest version represents a milestone in backup and disaster recovery solutions, providing comprehensive [...]

By | 2024-01-12T22:19:05+01:00 January 12th, 2024|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

What is new on Vembu BDRSuite v5.6

Vembu just launched a new version of their main product, Vembu BDRSuite v5.6. This blog post, What is new on Vembu BDRSuite v5.6, will show the main features and improvements in this new version. Using either Hypervisors or Public Cloud Storage, you can upgrade your Vembu VM backup with the latest version. The enhancements also [...]

By | 2023-04-13T18:45:49+02:00 April 13th, 2023|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

What is new on Vembu BDRSuite v5.5

Vembu launched a couple of weeks ago a new version of their main product, Vembu BDRSuite v5.5. This blog post, What is new on Vembu BDRSuite v5.5 will show the main features and improvements in this new version. Use the latest Vembu Versions to upgrade your VM backup by using either Hypervisor or Public Cloud [...]

By | 2023-01-18T12:34:37+01:00 December 8th, 2022|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

What is new on Vembu BDRSuite v5.3

Vembu just launched a new version of their main backup product, Vembu BDRSuite v5.3. I discussed HERE the latest version v5.2 and what was new on that version, but after a couple of months, Vembu released a new version with the new features. What is new? Main features: New Features File Server Backup from BDRSuite [...]

By | 2023-01-18T12:37:38+01:00 July 21st, 2022|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

Vembu BDRSuite v5.2 is now Generally Available Now

Vembu has launched a new version of their Backup tool. This quick Vembu BDRSuite v5.2 is Generally Available Now; I will show the main features included in this new version. Vembu recently launched v5 and v5.1, where their focus was on replication and simplifying the GUI and on clustering and object storage(particularly multi-cloud). In this [...]

By | 2023-01-18T12:37:17+01:00 April 20th, 2022|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

Vembu BDR Suite v5.0 RC Released what is new

Vembu lauched a new version of their Vembu BDR Suite. In this blog post, Vembu BDR Suite v5.0 RC Released what is new. I will show some of the new features included in this new version. It has been some time that I don't write a review for Vembu. My last review was with version [...]

By | 2023-01-18T12:38:38+01:00 October 5th, 2021|Backups Posts, Vembu|0 Comments

Free Backup tools for Virtual Environments

There are some tools in the market regarding free Backup tools for Virtual Environments (some may include physical). Personally, I do not know in detail all products that are in the market. In this article, I will try to focus the ones that offer a free license with the most features included. What are the [...]

By | 2020-05-02T19:57:22+02:00 April 20th, 2017|Backups Posts, Nakivo, Veeam, Vembu, VMware Posts|0 Comments