How to install-pairing HCX Manager and Connector

I don't work with HCX(abbreviation for Hybrid Cloud Extension) for some time, installing the infrastructure at least. Recently I only used it in some VMs and Apps migrations. So it was time to build some HCX infrastructure lab, and in this How to install-pairing HCX Manager and Connector, I will explain how to do this. [...]

By | 2022-10-18T01:12:16+02:00 September 30th, 2022|HCX, NSX, VCF, VMware Posts|0 Comments

HCX Manager and HCX Connector DNS are not working after deploying

When I deploy the latest versions of HCX Manager 4.4.0-build 20427536 and HCX Connector 4.4.2-build-20502808, for some reason, DNS is not set on the deploy of the OVA, and HCX Manager and HCX Connector DNS are not working after deploying. When I try to connect the HCX to vCenter (as the first option), I always [...]

By | 2022-09-30T12:29:55+02:00 September 28th, 2022|HCX, NSX, VCF, VMware Posts|0 Comments

NSX Host Transport Nodes Install Failed

This quick tip about NSX Host Transport Nodes Install Failed, when you get Install Failed, I will explain a simple fix that fixes this problem in most cases. This is a similar problem that I already wrote a blog post about it, but that was during an ESXi host upgrade Upgrade to vSphere 7 NSX-T [...]

By | 2022-09-30T12:30:55+02:00 September 26th, 2022|NSX, VMware Posts, vSphere|0 Comments

Cloud Director upgrade 10.4 NSX names matching IP error

In the last few days, I have been upgrading some of vCloud Director 9.7 and 10.2 to 10.4.x and found some problems with IP and hostname certificates. We discuss a similar error in this Cloud Director upgrade 10.4 NSX names matching IP error. I have discussed similar vCD errors before here, like this one HERE. [...]

By | 2022-08-30T13:28:59+02:00 August 30th, 2022|NSX, vCenter, vCloud Director, VMware Posts|2 Comments

Critical vulnerability in Apache Log4j apply workaround for vCenter and NSX-T

In the last two days, the IT community has been on the alert because of a severe new security threat using when Apache Log4j, Which almost every software/tool out there uses this open-source. In this Critical vulnerability in Apache Log4j apply workaround for vCenter and NSX-T. We will go through a quick review on VMware [...]

By | 2021-12-17T04:18:31+01:00 December 15th, 2021|NSX, VMware Posts, vSphere|0 Comments

vCloud Director v10.3 vs NSX-T error Certificate is already trusted

In this blog post about vCloud Director v10.3 vs NSX-T error Certificate is already trusted, I talk about an issue that is new when you install a new vCloud Director v10.3, or you upgrade your existing vCD to v10.3. In a new vCD install, when you try to add your NSX-T (or V), you will [...]

By | 2021-10-02T18:43:12+02:00 October 2nd, 2021|NSX, vCloud Director, VMware Posts|0 Comments

vCloud Director Migrations: Linux vCD external SQL DB to vCD Appliance – Part 2

In this vCloud Director Migrations: Linux vCD external SQL DB to vCD Appliance – Part 2, I will migrate a Linux vCloud Director with an external SQL Server DB into a new vCloud Director Appliance with embedded Postgres DB. Before I start, honestly, I would like that VMware could write documentation that easy to read [...]

By | 2021-05-25T18:20:13+02:00 May 2nd, 2021|NSX, vCloud Director, VMware Posts, vSphere|0 Comments

Upgrade to vSphere 7 NSX-T Host Transport Nodes

Upgrade to vSphere 7 NSX-T Host Transport Nodes is another blog post about upgrading your environment to vSphere 7. When we upgrade our vCenter and vSphere and using NSX-T, we also need to upgrade our NSX-T Host Transport Nodes vib agents in the ESXi hosts. After we upgrade our vCenter and vSphere to v7, we [...]

By | 2021-04-30T23:49:32+02:00 April 30th, 2021|NSX, VMware Posts|0 Comments

NSX-T upgrade – disk space requirement not met

Today, when upgrading one of our NSX-T, I encounter an error. I saw it for the first time when NSX-T did a pre-check on the ESXi hosts to the new version I got the error "Disk space requirements not met. Please ensure 180MB free space is available in tmp partition to proceed with upgrade". NSX-T [...]

By | 2021-04-29T02:39:49+02:00 April 29th, 2021|NSX, VMware Posts|0 Comments

vCloud Director Linux migration SQL DB to embedded PostgreSQL appliance – Part I

In this blog post about vCloud Director Linux migration SQL DB to embedded PostgreSQL appliance - Part I, I will migrate vCD DB from an external SQL DB to embedded PostgreSQL DB and upgrade a Linux vCloud Director(vCD) to 10.x after I migrate this Linux vCD to a vCloud Director appliance. Since I need to [...]

By | 2021-05-25T18:19:49+02:00 January 19th, 2021|NSX, vCloud Director, VMware Posts, vSphere|0 Comments