Picking up another blog post that I had in my drafts waiting to be finished, and I never did. In this Change ESXi host to use ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv2), I will explain how to change your VMware infrastructure to use SCAV2 instead of SCAv1.
A quick explanation about ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv2) and L1TF.
‘L1 Terminal Fault – VMM’ (L1TF – VMM) Speculative-Execution vulnerability in Intel processors was reported some time ago, particularly in August 2018 with the CVE-2018-3646, and is a security vulnerability that attackIntel CPUs and the option to protect our VMware infrastructure was to use ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv1)
“Intel has disclosed details on a new class of CPU speculative-execution vulnerabilities known collectively as “L1 Terminal Fault” that can occur on past and current Intel processors (from at least 2009 – 2018) [See Table 1 for supported vSphere processors that are affected].
Like Meltdown, Rogue System Register Read, and “Lazy FP state restore”, the “L1 Terminal Fault” vulnerability can occur when affected Intel microprocessors speculate beyond an unpermitted data access. By continuing the speculation in these cases, the affected Intel microprocessors expose a new side-channel for attack. (Note, however, that architectural correctness is still provided as the speculative operations will be later nullified at instruction retirement.)”
One of the ways to protect the CPU was to disable Hyperthreading on ESXi. To protect our ESXi CPUs and VMs from this security vulnerability, VMware launched a PowerCli script HTAware Mitigation Tool where we could test our VMware environment to check if they were protected or not against this vulnerability and at the same time do the needed changes to protect the environment. Many VMware administrators change their environment using ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv1) to protect the environment.
How does it work?

Source image © VMware, Inc
But this option had some side-backs. First, we need to disable Hyperthreading and lose performance around 25/30% in our environment. But with vSphere 6.7 U2, VMware launched ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv2), improving performance and enabling Hyperthreading.
Important Note: This is a big subject and impossible to explain in a few words. There is a lot of documentation regarding testing both options and the impact on our VMs using SCAv1 or SCAv2 option. If you do not know the subject, I propose you read a bit more before making any environmental changes.
Two examples of using SCAv1 or SCAv2:
I can check the VM performance between the two options in the next image.

Source image © VMware, Inc
In this next image, we can check what is enabled and what is disabled in your ESXi hosts in the two options.

Source image © VMware, Inc
As we can see in the above images, SCAv2 has better performance, and Hyperthreading is enabled, and we can have the double of vCPUS to allocate in our VMs.
More information:
- VMware article about ‘L1 Terminal Fault – VMM’ (L1TF – VMM)
- VMware Security Advisories – VMSA-2018-0020
- VMware Performance Impact Statement for ‘L1 Terminal Fault – VMM’ (L1TF – VMM)
- New Scheduler Option for vSphere 6.7 U2
- Which vSphere CPU Scheduler to Choose
- Performance of vSphere 6.7 Scheduling Options (PDF)
How to switch from SCAv1 to SCAv2?
Note: This blog post is only for those who have already enabled their system with SCAv1 and want to change to SCAv2. Is not installed from scratch the SCAv2. You can follow the steps to do this but it is slightly different.
First, you need to download the new HTAware Mitigation Tool script version. You can download it directly from HERE. Or you can visit the KB page.
After downloading the zip (script), you need to extract and import the module to your PowerCli.
Note: Before using PowerShell/PowerCli, you should update to the latest version.
Import the module and check which new command you can use for HTAwareMitigation.
Import-Module .\HTAwareMitigation.psd1
Get-Command -Module HTAwareMitigation
You now have three new commands to use in HTAwareMitigation.
- Get-HTAwareMitigationAnalysis – Analyses your environment and reports which ones can be changed.
- Get-HTAwareMitigationConfig – Check or change the configuration.
- Get-HTAwareMitigationSuppression – Check or enable the warning in the ESXi host about L1TF.
After importing the HTAwareMitigation module, I will run an analysis on my vCenter (we can do this per Cluster).
First, I have connected to the vCenter.
Note: I previously added the entries for the variable $vCenter, $user, and $pwd
1 2 3 4 |
Connect-VIServer $vCenter -User $user -Password $pwd Get-HTAwareMitigationAnalysis -Server $vCenter |
I will change two Clusters (10 ESXi hosts each). One has HPE servers, and the other only Dell Server.
As we see in the following images, Hyperthreading is disabled in all ESXi hosts.
After the HTAwareMitigationAnalysis finishes, it will create some files.
- Output.csv
- Output.html
- Output.jason.gz
- IP_-ClusterName.jszon.gz
Note: I will only use the report Output.html for this blog post. Other files are more used if we apply the HTAwareMitigation for the first time and will only affect the Mitigation in the servers that are fit to be Mitigated. So the rest of the file is out of the scope of this blog post.
Opening the Output.html, we get all the information about our Clusters regarding ESXi hosts and VMs. If everything is ok and we can apply it to all, we will see all green, yellow means yes but may lose performance, and red means the changes will have a significant impact on the VMs performance.
As we can see in my report, everything is green. This is because the Meditation was already set using SCAv1.
Change Scheduler
Next, I will check all ESXi Scheduler configurations.
1 2 3 |
Get-HTAwareMitigationConfig -ClusterName Infrastructure-Cluster |
As we can see in the following image and 2 ESXi hosts as an example, my CurrentScheduler is SCAv1.
If I try to enable the Mitigation for this Cluster, this is what I get.
1 2 3 |
Set-HTAwareMitigationConfig -ClusterName Infrastructure-Cluster -Enable |
As we can see in the image above, we get the information that risks with SCAv1. So what we need to do is now do the same but select the SCAv2.
1 2 3 |
Set-HTAwareMitigationConfig -SCAv2 -ClusterName Infrastructure-Cluster |
I have changed both Clusters that I need to change. And we have the Scheduler changed to SVAv2. A reboot is required so the changes are effective.
Before I reboot the ESXi hosts, I run Get-HTAwareMitigationConfig -ClusterName Infrastructure-Cluster again.
As we can see in the image, we are still using SCAv1, but SCAv2 is now configured and need a reboot.
I reboot all changed ESXi hosts, and now let’s recheck the Scheduler.
As we can see in the following image, SCAv2 is now the active Scheduler.
Let us check the Server again in the HyperThreading. As we can see now is enabled, and now we have more available vCPUs in the VMs and a better performance.
Before I finish this blog post, just a final step to disable the Mitigation Warnings. In one of the Clusters, I had the SuppressHyperthreadWarning disabled. Meaning I never receive a warning about these L1TF vulnerabilities.
This is the message:
To enable again that ESXi hosts give me warnings about a possible threat, I need to disable the suppression warning.
1 2 3 |
Set-HTAwareMitigationSuppression -ClusterName Infrastructure-Cluster -Disable |
As we can see, SuppressHyperthreadWarning has now been changed to 0, which means it is active.
With the last step, we finish this Change ESXi host to use ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv2).
Final thoughts:
These Intel vulnerabilities still exist. Even Intel has stated that their CPUs are protected against these threats after CPU Cascade Lake, which is not 100% true. Since we have seen new threats and that those new CPUs are not 100% bulletproof.
About Cascade Lake, this is the statement from Intel:
“These changes will begin with our next-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (code-named Cascade Lake) as well as 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processors expected to ship in the second half of 2018”
But still, Cascade Lake can be affected by Zombieload v2 in the Intel TSX. But we are ok as long we have at least vSphere 6.7 u2 and Bios firmware updated.
There is always some CPU vulnerabilities, and companies are always trying to mitigate those vulnerabilities by launching patches or firmware updates.
Some of the new CPU vulnerabilities:
- vSphere & Intel JCC, TAA, and MCEPSC/IFU: What You Need to Know
- VMware Security Advisories – VMSA-2019-0008.2
- VMware Security Advisories – VMSA-2019-0020
For a secure infrastructure, always have your environment up to date with the latest security patches and servers firmware with the latest updates.
I hope this Change ESXi host to use ESXi Side-Channel-Aware Scheduler v2 (SCAv2) helps you to understand not only the Mitigation and L1TF vulnerability but also what is the difference between the Scheduler SCAv1 and SCAv2 and what is the best for your environment. Even though this subject has been known for 2 years, using SCAv2 is essential to understand. Also, since your environment uses Scheduler SCAv1, how do you change the ESXi host to use Scheduler SCAv2.
Check my other Blog post about this subject: Meltdown & Spectre Side-Channel Vulnerability in Virtual environments.
Check also my Runecast blog post about how they can help you check vulnerabilities in your infrastructure.
Note: Share this article if you think it is worth sharing. If you have any questions or comments, comment here or contact me on Twitter.
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