/How to update your Runecast Analyzer

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

How to update Runecast Analyzer? Updating Runecast Analyzer is a very straightforward task. The process is very similar when upgrading VMware vCenter Appliance (vCSA).

Runecast Analyzer has another new version as we have published earlier. To update to the latest version, I will explain the process and how to upgrade.

In this blog post, we will not only update the Runecast Analyzer but also how to add Runecast Analyzer to your vCenter Web Client dashboard and how to update the vCenter Runecast plugin.

How to update Runecast.

Just connect to your Runecast Analyzer admin interface using: https://applianceIP:5480 (default user: rcadmin pass: admin)

You will then see your Runecast admin interface.

Check your version in System tab. In this case, the version is 1.7.3.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Next select tab Update and then you can start the upgrade process.

  1. Select Update tab.
  2. Click Check Updates button.
  3. Runecast will then connect Runecast repository and display the latest update version available (in this case was the most recent 1.7.5).
  4. Next click Install Updates button.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Error check/connect Runecast repository:

When trying to get the latest updates, you can get the error:

‘Failed to check for updates(Error downloading manifest. Please contact your vender. Couldn’t resolve host ‘download.runecast.biz’ URL: https://download.runecast.biz/updates/manifest/manifest-latest.xml) on Monday, June 4 2018 5:01:59 PM GMT+02:00′

To fix the issue, check your DNS settings in Runecast. Your DNS is not working correctly in Runecast. Or even the time/date is not correct in your Runecast (we get a similar error when a date is wrong). In this case, was DNS server was wrong. After I fixed in the admin interface Network tab, the problem was solved.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Continuing with the installation.

After clicking on Install Updates button, you need to confirm to install the new version.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

After you confirm the install of the new Runecast Analyzer version, the updates start.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Your Runecast Analyzer is updated to version 1.7.5 (in this case).

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Even if not mandatory, I always do a reboot of the Runecast Analyzer after an update.

The reboot can be done by selecting System tab and click Reboot button.

How to update your Runecast Analyser?

Then you have your Runecast Analyzer up to date.

How to add Runecast Analyzer to your vCenter Web Client Dashboard

To add your Runecast Analyzer to your vCenter Web Client Dashboard, we need to implement in two steps.

  • First Step: Install the Runecast plugin.

First, we assume that you already add your vCenter to your Runecast.

1. Login to your Runecast Analyzer and click Settings and then select vCenter Selection (is selected by default).

2. In the vCenter Selection area, you can check all vCenter that are connected to your Runecast Analyzer. If you don’t see your vCenter, click Add vCenter and add your vCenter.

3. After your vCenter is added, select vCenter and click Edit in the actions column. You will then have the option Install Plugin, select that option.

How to update your Runecast Analyser

4. After you will have a new box where you have the steps to install the Plugin, but also how to add the Runecast API access code to your vCenter. In this section click Install.

How to update your Runecast Analyser.

5. After Plugin is installed read the instructions carefully (we will go through all steps in this article anyway).  But first, login to your vCenter and the Home option check if you see now the Runecast Analyzer icon like in the next image.

How to update your Runecast Analyser

  • First Two: Generate API Access token.

1. After you check that you have already your icon and Plugin installed in your vCenter, go back to Runecast Analyzer Settings and select the tab API Access tokens. In this section, you will see all Plugins that are already installed in your vCenters (if you have more than 1) and the Tokens created for that vCenter.

Now click Generate API Access token and configure the settings for your token.

How to update your Runecast Analyser

7. Provide a name for your Token (choose a name that identifies your vCenter, so that is easy for you to manage several vCenters vs Tokens) and click Generate.

You can also choose Read-only if you don’t want that Runecast Analyzer does any changes on your vCenter. The default is NO.

How to update your Runecast Analyser

2. After your Toke code is created, is very important that you save it in a text file (example) so that we can use it after. This code is generated one time only if you lose it; you need to delete the entry for that vCenter and generate another Access Token.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

3. After your API Access Token code is created and save, go back to your vCenter.

First, logout from vCenter, then login again o vCenter and go back to Home and click the Runecast Analyzer icon and then click Settings. Or select vCenter Menu – Administration – Runecast – Settings

If the fields with Runecast FQDN or IP address and API Access Token are not already automatically filled, add your Runecast FQDN or IP address and copy the Access Token generated in the previous step. Click Save Settings to save information.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

After these steps, Runecast Analyzer is added to your vCenter Web Client Dashboard. You can click Go To Main View to go to the Runecast Analyzer view of your vCenter.

As we can check the image below, you now are in the Runecast Analyzer section, and all issues and information about your vCenter monitored by Runecast Analyzer will be displayed here.

Click on Perform Scan to update the information.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

You can check Runecast information in the above Runecast Analyzer section, but also a quick view on the main board of your vCenter Summary.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

Runecast Analyzer tab can also be found in Select your Cluster – Monitor tab – Runecast issues.

Clicking on Go To Main View, you will go to the main section of the Runecast Analyzer shown above.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

To finalize this section, the above options and boards are from your vCenter vSphere Web Client flash (the one that VMware will EOL and switch to HTML5). The vCenter Client HTML5 has some options but in a different view (and Runecast as improving a lot this in the latest Runecast versions and also in vSphere 6.7). So my recommendation is to use vCenter Client HTML5 for a better view of your Runecast Analyzer environment.

How to update vCenter Runecast Analyzer Plugin?

After you update your Runecast Analyzer and is you have a vCenter Runecast Plugin installed, then you need to update also your Plugin.

Updating Runecast Plugin is a straightforward task. We go again to Runecat Settings and as you can see in the next image we have vCenter Web Client Plugin installed, but is out of date and an update is available.

Just click Edit and Select Update Plugin.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

Click Upgrade to start the Plugin upgrade.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

Again so that the update is effective in your vCenter and you use the proper Plugin, logout from vCenter and login again.

How to update your Runecast Analyzer

With this last step, we finish our Plugin upgrade.

In this blog post we have:

  1. Upgraded Runecast Analyzer
  2. Install Runecast Plugin in vCenter
  3. Upgraded Runecast Plugin vCenter

Hope this information can be useful.

Note: Share this article, if you think it is worth sharing.

Note: This post was sponsored by Runecast
By | 2020-08-28T13:54:16+02:00 June 6th, 2018|Olher, Partners, VMware Posts|0 Comments

About the Author:

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. I have been working with Virtualization for more than 15 years (mainly VMware). I recently obtained certifications, including VCP DCV 2022, VCAP DCV Design 2023, and VCP Cloud 2023. Additionally, I have VCP6.5-DCV, VMware vSAN Specialist, vExpert vSAN, vExpert NSX, vExpert Cloud Provider for the last two years, and vExpert for the last 7 years and a old MCP. My specialties are Virtualization, Storage, and Virtual Backup. I am a Solutions Architect in the area VMware, Cloud and Backup / Storage. I am employed by ITQ, a VMware partner as a Senior Consultant. I am also a blogger and owner of the blog ProVirtualzone.com and recently book author.

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