First, Happy New Year to all of you!
A new year is coming, and we all hope is a better one from this covid, let us all hope so. But now is time for a recap of Provirtualzone 2021 Stats.
It was an excellent year for my blog, with extraordinary growth of 30% in visitors and views. Even I had less 18 posts in 2021, compared with 2020, where I had 4,7 posts per month, compared with 2021 with only a medium of 3,2.
And unfortunately, I had an issue with the stats for almost 1 month. If not, the number would be much better.
The last 3 months of the year were excellent with great numbers.
The USA continues to be the top of my readers, followed by Germany. Surprisingly South Africa appears in third this year.
The blog post vSphere 7 Update 2 loses connection with SD Cards a Workaround had 36,600 hits. That is more than any post I have written and the second post that had hits since I started to use Jetpack to check the site’s stats. In 6 months, had almost the exact hits that had the number in 6 years(41k).
Also, a blog post about Veeam and how to fix the backup chain continues to be the number one every year(since I wrote it) with 10/15k hits a year, which means that this subject still interests many Veeam customers.
Curiously, the blog post about the issue in vSphere with SD cards was the ones with more hits. Since this was a big issue for everyone and everyone was trying to find solutions and workarounds for their environments.
Will finalization by thank you to everyone that supported this blog, readers, partners in 2021. I promise to continue(or try to) to write interesting content to share knowledge and help the community with several issues we may encounter in our environments.
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