/Tag:ESXi 6.0

ESXi 6.0 fix corrupted host imageprofile

In a previous article, we have fixed some VUM errors and the ESXi profile issues. Again, we had some issues with the host when applying updates, and it was impossible to remediate them. In the initial reboot(after applying the updates) host did not power up. It froze with this error: We did a problem before. [...]

By | 2022-03-29T12:40:06+02:00 July 3rd, 2016|VMware Posts, vSphere|12 Comments

ESXi 6.0 reports “error code: 15” during Remediate update in VUM operation

Another vCenter another ESXi with problems applying last updates. In this case, it is an HP DL360 G9 with ESXi 6.0 build 3568940. Using VMware Update Manager to scan, it shows 17 updates to install. The stage is 7(the rest are older versions). When remediating the host, we get this: Remediate entity esxi721.localdomain. The host [...]

By | 2022-03-29T12:26:32+02:00 April 25th, 2016|vCenter, VMware Posts|13 Comments

ESXi 6.0 reports “error code 99” during Stage patches to entity VUM operation

When we have a maintenance window and need to do our work in the Virtual Environment, we always find new issues. This time was in one of the ESXi 6.0 hosts. This is an HP DL360 G7 with the ESXi 6.0 build 3620759. When trying to use VMware update manager in this host, the scan [...]

By | 2022-03-29T12:34:50+02:00 April 24th, 2016|vCenter, VMware Posts|6 Comments

VMware: ESXi 6.0 Bug – Deprecated VMFS volume warning reported by ESXi hosts

Today we need to add a new iSCSI LUN to one of our vCenter 6.0 and found a bug in ESXi 6.0. After create the LUN in NetApp we presented to the hosts. Adding the iSCSI to one of the hosts everything was ok. But when the rest of the hosts recognize the new Datastore [...]

By | 2017-12-30T02:50:12+01:00 March 2nd, 2016|VMware Posts|3 Comments

Veeam: ESXi 6.0 – CBT bug and fix(fix VMs and reset CBT) Part II

Continuing the ESXi 6.0 CBT(Change Block Tracking) issue, so that our backups and restore can work properly, CBT needs to be reset. This is a mandatory task that needs to be done to all VMs that are in the Backups jobs. Regardless of the Backup tool you use to backup your VMware environment. Again, in [...]

By | 2017-12-30T02:50:12+01:00 December 4th, 2015|Backups Posts, VMware Posts|1 Comment