
What is new in Hornetsecurity VM Backup v9

In this What is new in Hornetsecurity VM Backup v9 ( formerly Altaro VM Backup), we will show the new features and enhancements and how to upgrade from previous versions to the new version 9. What is new in this new version? Since my last review of this product, there was a name change. Since [...]

By | 2023-04-17T18:56:43+02:00 April 17th, 2023|Backups Posts, Hornetsecurity|0 Comments

What is VMware HCX, and how does it work

In this What is VMware HCX, and how does it work, I will provide some simple explanations about HCX, the type of migrations scenarios, and how HCX can help with workloads migrations. VMware HCX (formerly known as Hybrid Cloud Extension and NSX Hybrid Connect) is a massively scalable hypervisor-based supercomputing platform, delivered as an on-demand [...]

By | 2023-04-14T12:07:20+02:00 April 14th, 2023|HCX, VMware Posts|0 Comments

This World Backup Day, WIN with Hornetsecurity!

Did you know that throughout the years big data breaches and ransomware attacks have been increasing rapidly? With World Backup Day right around the corner, let’s take a moment to think about the data loss incidents – and remember how relieved we were to have a proper backup and security strategy in place! If you [...]

By | 2023-03-23T18:01:26+01:00 March 23rd, 2023|Backups Posts, Hornetsecurity|0 Comments

New ProVirtualzone Blog Partner: Vinchin

It is with great pleasure that I welcome my new ProVirtualzone Blog Partner: Vinchin. At the moment I am a bit busy with other projects but plan to write some deep neutral(as I also do) reviews about their products.  As a partner and sponsor in the Blog, we will work together in the next months [...]

By | 2022-04-12T17:06:54+02:00 April 12th, 2022|Backups Posts, Vinchin|0 Comments

This World Backup Day, WIN with Altaro!

Did you know that 29% of data loss cases are caused by accident? As World Backup Day nears, we think back to all the incidents, data loss scares, and near-disasters that we’ve experienced over the years – and how grateful we were to have backup during those times! If you use Microsoft 365/Office 365, Hyper-V or VMware, [...]

By | 2022-03-27T01:49:11+01:00 March 27th, 2022|Backups Posts, Hornetsecurity, Partners|0 Comments

Altaro VM Backup first review

In this many times postponed blog post, I do an Altaro VM Backup first review. Will go through all the features that this Backup tool can offer to their costumers. Previously I have talked about another product from Altaro Backup Office 365, now is the time to review their main product, VM Backup. NOTE: Since [...]

By | 2020-12-02T22:47:13+01:00 December 2nd, 2020|Backups Posts, Hornetsecurity, Hyper-V, Microsoft, VMware Posts|0 Comments

Remove Hyper-V node from dead Hyper-V Cluster

This week in my Hyper-V, I had a strange error that was not easy to find a clear solution since all solutions that I find could not clean the node to reuse. So I will quickly explain how Remove Hyper-V node from dead Hyper-V Cluster. One of my Hyper-V Cluster in the lab was corrupted [...]

By | 2020-11-15T18:55:03+01:00 November 15th, 2020|Hyper-V, Microsoft|0 Comments

How to add and config Hyper-V hosts and Clusters in SCVMM 2019

Following the previous System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2019 Series article and with a delay of many months, I will finally continue the SCVMM 2019 third part with this How to add and config Hyper-V hosts and Clusters in SCVMM 2019. Adding your Hyper-V 2016 or 2019 to your System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2019 [...]

By | 2020-09-21T03:14:21+02:00 September 21st, 2020|Hyper-V|0 Comments

Backup Best Practices in Action – The Backup Bible Part 2

Altaro launched the second part of their Backup Bible book Backup Best Practices in Action – The Backup Bible Part 2. The Backup Bible is an ambitious project produced by Altaro and written by Microsoft MVP Eric Siron that aims to be the definite guide to backup and disaster recovery for companies of all sizes. [...]

By | 2020-09-13T20:16:24+02:00 September 13th, 2020|Backups Posts, Hornetsecurity, Partners|0 Comments

Iperius Backup version 7.1 is out

Iperius Backup version 7.1 is out. Iperius Backup is Iperius primary backup product. This new release was launched on 24/07/2020. In previous blog posts I have written a full review of this product. Iperius Backup is an image-based backup solution. It can perform hot backups of VMware ESXi and Hyper-V virtual machines. Supporting Changed Block [...]

By | 2020-07-31T20:12:47+02:00 July 31st, 2020|VMware Posts|0 Comments