/Veeam Backup & Replication Best Practices for VMware e-book

Veeam Backup & Replication Best Practices for VMware e-book

A couple of weeks ago Veeam launched a great e-book created by  Veeam architects regarding Best Practices guide for Veeam Backup & Replication.

This is a great book for how-to and how to configure and use Veeam Best Practices in your Veeam Backup environment.

This great e-book was written by:

Even I that have some Veeam experience did learn some good stuff in this book.

So for all Veeam costumers and Veeam users(with experience or not) this is a great tool to give us more understanding of Veeam Backup & Replication product and how to implement properly in different environments and scenarios.

Since this was launched after the Veeam 9.0 update 2, some of the new features are already included in the book to learn about it.

Resuming; is a great tool for all technicians to implement and improve their existing or new Veeam Backup Infrastructure.

You can read/browse the book in the next url, or in just download as a PDF.

Read or Download from here

Hope this can help.

Note: Share this article, if you think is worth sharing.

By | 2017-12-30T02:50:08+01:00 August 22nd, 2016|Backups Posts|0 Comments

About the Author:

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. I have been working with Virtualization for more than 15 years (mainly VMware). I recently obtained certifications, including VCP DCV 2022, VCAP DCV Design 2023, and VCP Cloud 2023. Additionally, I have VCP6.5-DCV, VMware vSAN Specialist, vExpert vSAN, vExpert NSX, vExpert Cloud Provider for the last two years, and vExpert for the last 7 years and a old MCP. My specialties are Virtualization, Storage, and Virtual Backup. I am a Solutions Architect in the area VMware, Cloud and Backup / Storage. I am employed by ITQ, a VMware partner as a Senior Consultant. I am also a blogger and owner of the blog ProVirtualzone.com and recently book author.

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