/Veeam: Upgrade issue – Warning 1327.Invalid Drive D:\

Veeam: Upgrade issue – Warning 1327.Invalid Drive D:\

Today when we tried to update one of our Veeam v8 to v9, we got this issue, and the upgrade failed.


Checking the logs(C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\CatalogSetup.log) from the upgrade, I see that this is related to VBRCatalog that is/was pointing to this drive that no longer exists.

“MSI (s) (2C:9C)[22:04:17:969]: Note: 1: 2318 2:
MSI (s) (2C:9C) [22:04:17:969]: Executing op: FolderRemove(Folder=D:\VBRCatalog,Foreign=0)
MSI (s) (2C:9C) [22:04:17:969]: Note: 1: 1327 2: D:\
Warning 1327.Invalid Drive: D:\”

So we need to fix the catalog issue before restarting the upgrade.

We need to change the registry where the VBRCatalog is set to fix this issue. To do this, we do the following tasks:

1. Stop the Veeam Services

2. Check the permissions that are set on the folder

3. Unshare the folder and move it to a new location

4. Now share the folder and reset the permissions

5. Then navigate to the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup Catalog

Find the string called CatalogPath, right-click it and choose modify

Under Value Data, edit the field to display the new location

Example: c:\VBRCatalog\ (be aware that you should select Disks with space to allocate and grow the VBRCatalog). In our case, I created a new folder in the drive F:\VBRCatalog and then changed the registry with the path F:\VBRCatalog.

6. Restart the services mentioned above(should be Veeam Backup Service, but also Veeam Backup Catalog Data Service. Service is not in the start state because of this issue)

You can check here the Veeam KB1453 how to change the VBRCatolog.

Next, try the upgrade again, and it should pass this issue.

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By | 2022-05-30T10:47:36+02:00 March 14th, 2016|Backups Posts, Veeam|8 Comments

About the Author:

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. I have been working with Virtualization for more than 15 years (mainly VMware). I recently obtained certifications, including VCP DCV 2022, VCAP DCV Design 2023, and VCP Cloud 2023. Additionally, I have VCP6.5-DCV, VMware vSAN Specialist, vExpert vSAN, vExpert NSX, vExpert Cloud Provider for the last two years, and vExpert for the last 7 years and a old MCP. My specialties are Virtualization, Storage, and Virtual Backup. I am a Solutions Architect in the area VMware, Cloud and Backup / Storage. I am employed by ITQ, a VMware partner as a Senior Consultant. I am also a blogger and owner of the blog ProVirtualzone.com and recently book author.


  1. Danh Tran 19/01/2017 at 21:26

    There’s no ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup Catalog’ sub-folder in my Windows 10 Enterprise (joined domain). Is there a way to manually remove the Console v9 so I can upgrade to v9.5? thanks.

    • Luciano Patrao 22/01/2017 at 21:09

      Hi Danh,

      We should and need to have the Veeam Backup Catalog. This is what hold the jobs and backups repository information. Do you have your Veeam Enterprise Manager install in the same machine?

  2. Drew 15/05/2020 at 03:36

    Luciano, thank you so much for these instructions! The inaccessible F:\ drive error I had was actually due to an orphaned backup repository with a vPower NFS mount point that had temporarily been used for seeding a backup to use with Cloud Connect. Even after removing the repository in Veeam\Backup Infrastructure\Backup Repositories and rebooting, the error still came up when trying to upgrade. I had to point the following Registry key: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Veeam\Veeam NFS\RootFolder” from it’s F:\ path back to “C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\NfsDatastore\” to get the upgrade to work. This was for a Veeam B&R 9.5u4 upgrade to P1.

  3. Abraham Alejandro Tapia Mendizabal 02/07/2020 at 00:53

    hola, les ha dado error con las replicas posterior a la actualización????

  4. Marko 30/05/2022 at 09:03

    I followed this article but it did not resolve my issue. My values were set corectly. I was upgrading from 10 to 11 and got this error. What I did was:
    – when the message poped-out I oppened CatalogSetup.log located in C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp and searched for VBRCatalog.
    – I found an entry “CatalogPath is set to E:\VBRCatalog” but my VBRCatalog folder is on drive X:
    – I oppened regedit and searched trough the whole regitry for “E:\VBRCatalog”
    – I renamed every key from E:\ to X:\ and changed every Value frome E:\ to X:\
    – After the changes I re-ran the Upgrade and it completed successfully.

    Obviously when Veeam was installed someone set to install VBRCatalog to drive E. But then someone moved it to drive E:\. Veeam Upgrade proccess somehow ignores the values mentioned in this article but takes the walues from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrenVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Componentes\548FDDBB83EB487478FBC0FD5AC7CDCB and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders (this were the keys for me, maybe your’s will be different)

    • Luciano Patrao 30/05/2022 at 10:53

      Hi Marko,

      Thank you for your message.
      As you can check, this is for an old version, so today there are some differences when I wrote the article for that version.

      But until today I don’t see any other way to fix it. Now depending on the Windows OS and Veeam version, paths could different.

      Most of the time is a vPower NFS with the catalog pointing to that drive that was deleted or lost.

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