In the following of my previous article regarding Ransomware, How to protect your VMs against Ransomware the non-profit project No More Ransom provides some tools that can help you decrypt your device and data.
There is a list of several tools that can decrypt your files. These are tools created by some Security Companies (like Kaspersky, Emsisoft, Check Point, Avast, Bitdefender and many others) that may decrypt your device without paying any ransom to any hacker.
“No More Ransom” is a project created not only by security companies but also with the collaboration of many police authorities from many countries.
Some of the tools:
- Rakhni Decryptor
- Rannoh Decryptor
- Cry9 Decryptor
- Damage Decryptor
- Crypton Decryptor
- Merry X-Mas Decryptor
- BarRax Decryptor
- Alcatraz Decryptor
- Bart Decryptor
- Crypt888 Decryptor
- HiddenTear Decryptor
- Noobcrypt Decryptor
- CryptoMix Decryptor
- Popcorn Decryptor
- Marlboro Decryptor
- GlobeImposter Decryptor
- MRCR Decryptor
- Globe3 Decryptor
- Derialock Decryptor
- PHP Ransomware Decryptor
- WildFire Decryptor
- Chimera Decryptor
- Teslacrypt Decryptor
- Shade Decryptor
- CoinVault Decryptor
- Jigsaw Decryptor
- TM Ransomware File Decryptor
- NMoreira Decryptor
- Ozozalocker Decryptor
- Globe Decryptor
- Globe2 Decryptor
- FenixLocker Decryptor
- Philadelphia Decryptor
- Stampado Decryptor
- Xorist Decryptor
- Nemucod Decryptor
- Gomasom Decryptor
- Linux.Encoder Decryptor
Even there’s no 100% guarantee that the tool may work, you have a change to decrypt your device/files without paying any ransom (that you will never know if you receive the decrypt key even you pay the ransom). The tools work in most of the cases, but in other situations, only a proper backup plan can save your data. Like we have discussed in our previous article.
Each tool is specific for a particular Ransomware encryption key. Like, FenixLocker, Ozozalocker, Linux.Encoder.1, Linux.Encoder.3 and many others ransomware.
You can read more about this project here: No More Ransom and get all the information and tools that you need to try to decrypt your device and data.
To avoid the need to use this tools, and the need to decrypt a device or your data, just create a proper Backup Plan for your Virtual, or physical environment. Always using the rule 3-2-1 for your Backups.
Use our Nakivo Backup & Replication tool example from the previous article.
Here is a design example of a 3-2-1 process rule:
These are the options that you should use for 3-2-1 rules and offsite backups or to backup to Cloud.
- Replication
- VMware vSphere replication job (replicate your jobs to a second DR)
- Amazon EC2 replication job (replicate your jobs to a Cloud environment)
- Backup Copy
- Backup copy job (create a Backup copy to a different Backups Repository. To an offsite DR, or a Cloud)
- Backup Job
- Backup to TAPES (With NAKIVO Backup & Replication you can use disk-to-disk-to-tape / D2D2T)
Hope this information was useful.
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[…] UPDATE 28/04/2017: Check this new post a possible solution to decrypt your device/data without paying any ransom: Ransomware: How to decrypt your device and data […]